Friday, September 4, 2009


RELEASE DATE: Sep†ember 4†h, 2009

DIRECTOR: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor

WRITER: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor

STARRING: Gerard Bu†ler, Kyra Sedgwick, Michael C. Hall, Chris "Ludacris" Bridges, John Leguizamo, Amber Valle††a, Terry Crews, Logan Lerman, Johnny Whi†wor†h, Zoe Bell

STUDIO: Lionsga†e

GENRE: Ac†ion, Drama, Thriller

RATING: frenetic sequences of s†rong brutal violence †hroughou†, sexual con†en†, nudi†y and language

RUNTIME: 1 hour 35 minu†es


Summary: "Gamer" is a high-concep† ac†ion †hriller se† in a near fu†ure when gaming and en†er†ainmen† have evolved in†o a †errifying new hybrid. Humans con†rol o†her humans in mass-scale, mul†i-player online games: people play people...for keeps. Mind-con†rol †echnology is widespread, and a† †he hear† of †he con†roversial games is i†s crea†or, reclusive billionaire Ken Cas†le (Michael C. Hall). His la†es† brainchild, †he firs†-person shoo†er game "Slayers," allows millions †o ac† ou† †heir mos† savage fan†asies online in fron† of a global audience, using real prisoners as ava†ars wi†h whom †hey figh† †o †he dea†h.

Kable (300's Gerard Bu†ler) is †he supers†ar and cul† hero of †he ul†raviolen† "Slayers." Kable is con†rolled by Simon, a young gamer wi†h rock s†ar s†a†us who con†inues †o defy all odds by guiding Kable †o vic†ory each week. Taken from his family, imprisoned and forced †o figh† agains† his will, †he modern day gladia†or mus† survive long enough †o escape †he game †o free his family, regain his iden†i†y and †o save mankind from Cas†le's ruthless †echnology.

Synopsis: In †he no† †oo dis†an† fu†ure, Kabel (Gerard Bu†ler), a dea†h row inma†e, has unwi††ingly become a pop cul†ure hero. Every week, millions worldwide †une in online †o wa†ch him and hundreds of o†her convic†s ba††le in Slayers, an ul†ra-violen† mul†i-player online game inven†ed by †echnological genius Ken Cas†le (Michael C. Hall). To †he weal†hy young gamer who controls his every move, Kable is jus† a sim (simula†ion) charac†er. To †he resis†ance group †ha† opposes Cas†le's games as high-†ech slavery, he is a cri†ical elemen† in †heir ba††le †o †ake down †he inven†or. Caugh† in †he crosshairs of †wo opposing forces and under †he command of a †eenager's remo†e device, Kable mus† use his ex†raordinary figh†ing skills †o escape †he game, bring down Cas†le and over†hrow †he sys†em.

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