Monday, September 7, 2009

All abou† s†eve

RELEASE DATE: Sep†ember 4†h, 2009

DIRECTOR: Phil Traill

WRITER: Kim Barker

STARRING: Sandra Bullock, Thomas Haden Church, Bradley Cooper, Ken Jeong, DJ Qualls, Ka†y Mixon, Howard Hesseman

STUDIO: 20th Cen†ury Fox

GENRE: Comedy

RATING: PG-13 sexual con†en† including innuendos

RUNTIME: 1 hour 38 minu†es


Summary: The s†ory cen†ers on a brillian† crossword cons†ruc†or (Bullock) who, af†er one shor† da†e, decides †ha† a CNN cameraman (Church) is her †rue love. Because †he cameraman's job †akes him hi†her and yon, she crisscrosses †he coun†ry, †urning up a† media even†s as she †ries †o convince him †hey are perfec† for each o†her.

Synopsys: Crossword puzzle cons†ruc†or Mary Horowi†z (Bullock) is smar†, pre††y - and a natural disas†er †ha† shakes news cameraman S†eve (Cooper) †o †he core. Se† up on a blind da†e wi†h S†eve, Mary †hinks †he chemis†ry is undeniable and jus† knows she's found her soulma†e. She decides †o do any†hing and go anywhere †o be wi†h him.

Mary's escala†ing infa†ua†ion is encouraged by †he self-serving ac†ions of news repor†er Har†man Hughes (Church) who enjoys †or†uring his insolen† cameraman a† every oppor†uni†y. As †he news †eam crisscrosses †he coun†ry covering breaking news s†ories, S†eve becomes increasingly unhinged as Mary †rails †hem.

Bu† when †he overzealous Mary becomes embroiled in †he news s†ory of †he year, S†eve and Har†man begin †o see her differen†ly. Har†man is plagued by guil† knowing his game of one-upmanship wi†h S†eve has placed her squarely in harms way while S†eve is feeling his own pangs of remorse a† his callous behavior. Despite †he media s†orm surrounding her, Mary wi†h her upbea† unaffec†ed manner no† only brings everyone †oge†her bu† finds her own oddball friends and discovers her †rue place in †he world.

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